
Utility & Misc Commands

Ping : views the bot latency

Remind : It reminds a user when and what to do if the user sets a reminder

8ball : It chooses any random answer if a question is passed by the user

Server : It helps to view server information

Botinfo : It displays data and statistics about Jarvis

whois & userinfo : finds information about an member if the member is there in the server

Globalchatstart : Starts a global chat if a channel is passed in the parameters

Globalchatstop : Stops a global chat if the global chat channel is passed in the parameters

covidimg : Gets data on covid , latest news, casses

Greet Commands

Welcomechannel : Sets a welcomechannel if a channel is passed in the parameters

Removewelcome : It removes a welcomechannel if the welcome channel is passed in the command

Leavechannel : Sets a leavechannel if a channel is passed in the parameters

Removeleave : It removes the leavechannel if the leave channel is passed in the command

Tblue : It shows inbuilt template welcome image which is blue color | Color-code = 1

Tblack : It shows inbuilt template welcome image which is black-steel color | Color-code = 2

Tpurple : It shows inbuilt template welcome image which is purple color | Color-code = 3

Alltemplate : It shows all the welcome templates with color codes

Moderation Commands

Poll : It creates a poll if the poll message is passed in the parameter

Purge : It purge the Messages, Mention Number of messages to be deleted

Snipe : It snipes the deleted Message, it will display the deleted message within an embed

Lock : It locks a channel, mention the channel to lock

Unlock : It unlocks a channel, mention the channel to unlock

Kick : It kicks the member, mention the member

Ban : It bans the member, mention the member

Warn : It warns the member, mention the member

Mute : It mutes the member, mention the member

Unmute : It unmutes the member from mute, mention the member

Image Commands

wanted : It wants the pfp of the user in wanted template

rip : It rips the pfp of the user in a RIP template

thanos : It thanoses the pfp of the user in a Thanose template

voldemort : It replaces voldemorts face with the user face with voldemort template

huh : It replaces the face of the user face with huh template

emojify : It emojifies a text if the text is passed in the arguments

gif : Search any gif command , but there is age limit so its not NSFW

fox : It gets images of random foxes around the world

dog : It gets images of random doges around the world

fnmap : It gets images of the Fortnite Map. The Map also updates when new seasons come

roverimg : It gets current images of Mars

apod : It gets information about the space with images

blur : It blurs the pfp of the user or member

burn : It burns the pfp of the user or member

jail : It jails the pfp of the user or member

noise : It uses a noise effect on the pfp of the user or member

pixel : It pixelates the pfp of the user or member

rain : It rains the pfp of the user or member

reflect : It reflects the pfp of the user or member

ripple : It gives a ripple effect to the pfp of the user or member

sketch : It sketches the pfp of the user or member

spray : It sprays the pfp of the user or member

swirl : It swirl's the pfp of the user or member

tiedie : It tiedie's the pfp of the user or member

tilt : It titls the pfp of the user or member

updown : It updown's the pfp of the user or member

border : It gives a thick border to the pfp of the user or member

charcoal : It gives a charcoal effect to the pfp of the user or member

cube : It gives a cube effect to the pfp of the user or member

dust : It gives a dust effect to the pfp of the user or member

floor : It gives a floor effect to the pfp of the user or member

thick : It thick's the pfp of the user or member

void : It void's the pfp of the user or member

Math Commands

math : It explain how to use the math commands.

add : It add's two numbers

sub : It substract's two numbers

mul : It multiplie's two numbers

div : It divide's two numbers

random : It return's a random number if two numbers are passed

sqrt : It finds the square root of a number

calc & calculator : It displays a functional calculator with embeds and buttons

Coding Program Commands

codehelp : It shows a breif demo of how the coding program works

whycode : It gives information and details why to code

chelp : It returns all the coding commands

pickl : pickl helps you to choose your first language

startl: if you are ready with your language yous this command to start the course

Inspire Commands

Inspire : It inspires you with Inspiring Messages

Respond : It responds to a negative message if it a value is triggered

Responding true : It responds on Negetaive sentences

Responding false : It doesnot respond on a Negetaive sentences

Music Commands

music : It gives you a breif demo how to use music commands

play {url} : It plays a song but with song url, make sure you have joined the voice channel

pause : It pauses the current playing music

resume : It resumes the music only if the music was paused

leave : It leaves the voice channel